The most popular male "accessory" of recent years, beard can convey the personality and true essence of the wearer, characterizing his physical appearance and style. Choosing the right beard shape can completely change the overall image of the person, adding charm and enhancing the facial features. An angular beard adds length and slims a rounded face, on the contrary, a wide beard restores the right balance to an elongated face.
Under the spotlight for years, beard trends are constantly evolving, reaching and involving an increasingly wider audience. But what will be the styles and trends we will be leaning towards in the year that has just begun?
We decided to answer to this question in an innovative way, entering the new, and still unexplored world of artificial intelligence, embarking on a journey aimed at testing the great potential of this technology and its ability to interpretate and match beard trends and male ideals in different countries. An experiment during which AI combined elements belonging to different cultures with a series of data collected over the years on the web.

Despite the final output sometimes is unrealistic, it still provides a synthesis of the taste of the moment, artificial intelligence has generated multiple tests depending on the inputs provided to it and based on its previous "knowledge". Our know-how in the field of male grooming and our predictive ability guided our selection, the result? Faces of 8 men of 8 different nationalities, who masterfully interpret the beard trends of 2024. The beards are different, in shape and length, but never like this year there is a common element that unites them all: the simplicity of the style. Fewer sculpted beards in favor of more natural looks, that highlight the individual's personality. A mood that winks an eye to originality and pushes men to get involved through individual grooming choices.
Are you ready? Let's discover together the 8 beard trends for 2024 in different countries around the world!
Style that fully reflects the look of the Italian man, always impeccable in every situation: from the most formal context to the most casual moment.
Deliberately "unkempt", but very cool, this beard style embodies all the jaunty and mysterious charm of the French man.
Combined with a thick mustache (usually also handlebar), it's a style that suits our German friends who like to think out of the box!
A beardstyle that goes perfectly with the typical Middle Eastern facial features of Turkish men.
From the career business man to the Californian lifeguard, this style is perfectly suited to the different natures of American men.

A short beard style in perfect harmony with the subtropical South African climate.